EPISODE 23 – Ben Disaster (Real Sickies)

Hell yeah! This week’s guest is Ben Disaster aka Ben Blitzkrieg Pop aka the vocalist of Canadian punkers, Real Sickies, and the host of the This Is Pop! Radio Show. This episode is jam packed with fun stories and bitchin’ tunes. Heaps good! There’s so much in here and you’re gonna have a blast asContinue reading “EPISODE 23 – Ben Disaster (Real Sickies)”

EPISODE 9 – Lars aka Neon Bone

If you’ve been following the career of Neon Bone, you’d have noticed the dude just doesn’t stop! He’s been churning out release after release for around a decade now and it’s all pretty awesome. Neon Bone’s latest album, Make It Last, is out now on Monster Zero so it seemed as good a time asContinue reading “EPISODE 9 – Lars aka Neon Bone”

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