EPISODE 6 – Perry Leenhouts (Travoltas)

Surf’s up!

Holy moly, cat van doogly! This week’s guest is none other than vocalist and song writer, Perry Leenhouts, from the legendary pop punk band, Travoltas! This is an awesome chat filled with so many fun stories and great tunes. I know you’re going to love it. The guys have just had their album Teenbeat reissued by the lovely folks over at Stardumb Records and you should get on that right now and join in the fun if you have yet to do so. Heaps good!

I am super stoked to have Perry on the show talking Ramones, Swedish producers, what was happening with Club Nouveau, their comeback record, and also new stuff they’re cooking up. Its a good time. Thanks heaps for listening.

Listen now by clicking on THIS LINK.

Order a copy of Teenbeat from Stardumb Records right HERE.


A podcast for Ramones fans by Ramones fans.

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